Demo version

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Download Demo program (PC German & English):
(Win 95,98,2000,NT)
Komprimiertes Archiv im ZIP Format 2.6 MB
Download Demo program (Mac German & English):
StuffIt Datei Mac 2.8 MB

1. Download File „CATSCREEN“ onto your harddrive

2. Unzip the folder

How to run the CAT-SCREEN program
Double-click on the "Start" file to start the CAT-SCREEN program. Data collection is necessary in one go, there is no intermediate storage of the data. The respective answers of the respondents are saved in the subfolder "Clients" (in the folder "CAT-SCREEN"). The files can be opened as text or D-Base files with almost all common text and data processing programs. The profiles and diagrams of the individual children can be opened with the program "auswertung.exe" (German version).